The most famous sparrows

There are those who are allowed to stay in this world only for a short period of time by the management of fate. Still, they will leave such a trace here, and even for decades time will not close. Even those who are not experts in music know the name. Edith Piaf
*A singer who had not received vocal training but became famous all over the world.
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It can be said that she lived her life to the fullest, especially quickly. Maybe that\’s why she came to an end much earlier. There are many legends about her life. 1 of them speaks about her birth. She herself liked to argue that she was born on the street. Others say it was in a brothel. What is certain is that she really grew up in this institution. But if someone believes that this is a pain for her, he will be wrong. According to superstition, a screaming child in the house brings good luck. And that\’s how his employees treated little Edith. With great love.

Life as a Speed Star

When she grew up, she made a living as astreet singer.It was at that time that the first tragedy befell her. Her little daughter, whom she took to the world at the age of 17, did not cope with a damp night and died at the age of 2.
Shortly thereafter, he gets his first permanent engagement at a cafe in Paris.
From here, the door to the world concert hall is already open.
oand she does not hesitate to enter.
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The famous surname Piaf, or sparrow was born. He recognizes his fateful love, but quickly loses it. Boxer Marcel Cerdan, the opposite of Edith, died in a plane crash. She immediately persuaded him to come to her, so she blamed herself for his death. It broke her. She had never given up alcohol or morphine before. But now her life has literally become a path to destruction.
• With the song she became famous, she closed her singing career. And your life.
I\’m sure you know this song.
Who knows if it\’s true that Edith had no regrets?

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