The variety of animals kept in terrariums is very large. Most of the species in terrariums can be obtained directly from breeders or at the various monthly exchanges held in Brno. Many breeders participate in these events with their breeding specimens. If you are interested, you can also get a lot of information about a particular species, either from the breeders themselves or from specialized books and magazines. You can also get such specimens from pet stores and pet stores that focus more or less on aquarium and terrarium breeding. How do we breed them? The following is a description of selected and most commonly bred reptiles. One is from the suborder Lizards and the other from the suborder Snakes.

1. the Yemeni chameleon
Often kept in captivity because of its unpretentious nature and variety of colors. Chameleons often change colors to show off their feelings and blend in well with their surroundings. Colors range from green to blue, yellow, orange, and red. Colors vary from individual to individual. The chameleon\’s food is often small insects such as crickets, grasshoppers, and flies. Chameleons lick water from leaves, twigs, or drippers (dropper), so it is important to irrigate the terrarium regularly each day. Its characteristic feature is its long sticky tongue, which it uses to catch and swallow its prey whole. Since they are loners, it is preferable to keep only one in the terrarium. Unlike females, males tend to be more adaptable, more tolerant of stress, and live longer. Females reproduce by laying approximately 60 eggs per clutch. Their lifespan is approximately 5-7 years.

2. red viper [17].
Ideal for terrarium beginners. Keeping akasus clown shrimps is easy with few problems. They come in a wide variety of colors, from the standard red to albino individuals. Proper terrarium equipment is important. A light source, possibly a heating system, and a variety of objects for climbing and diving are needed. The humidity in the terrarium should be kept at an appropriate level and a water bowl should not be lacking. Feed mainly small rodents. The size of the food should be adjusted to the size of the snake and fed about once every two weeks, more frequently for younger individuals. There should be no problem keeping several dragonflies together, as they are quite tolerant of other individuals. The key is to maintain a certain order. The temperament is often milder in males, but in general dragonflies are very gentle in nature. Lifespan is approximately 22-28 years. Adults can reach a length of 1.5 meters.