Shared Housing

I remember always looking forward to living alone. I wasn\’t living completely alone, but I imagined a home with a partner, and then children… I was about 16 or 17 years old, but of course I didn\’t have a partner yet. Yes, my friends already had partners at my age, but for some reason I didn\’t care much about that. Not just anyone, or just having a partner or dating someone.

Těšila jsem se na vlastní domácnost.

Later, when I was older, I was already picturing everything positively. I had painted a really beautiful, rosy future. Everything around me would be pink and white, and all accessories would be black. That is how I always pictured it. And every time I told this story to my mother, she would laugh and say that if I ever had a partner, he would never do this and that my house should be all pink. Well, to tell you the truth, when I finally had a partner and after two years of living together and sharing a home, my partner told me to make the bedroom mine.

Krásná čistá domácnost je výhra.

Of course, the bedroom was completely pink. My partner saw this and when he came home from a business trip later, he just stood there in the bedroom with his mouth open. He couldn\’t believe it at all. He really had no idea that I would make my bedroom so extremely pink and unique. But eventually my partner laughed and said he didn\’t mind at all, that he was happy. And he made the den and living room his own. I think it\’s great when your partner always agrees with you in this way. How is your home life? Do you agree on everything or have there been arguments?

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