Moto Events in 2020

Dare to visit the traditional Prague party on February 29, which will be held for the 11th time this year. It will be held in Prague Biechowice.

Dare to visit the Motorcycle Ball on March 7 at the gymnasium in Bernartice, near Trutnov.

And if you like this kind of ball, you will also enjoy the Retro Moto Ball in Unchovice on March 14.
motocykl, doprava, hobby

On March 28, May 30, June 27, August 29, September 26, October 31, and November 28, a collectors\’ exchange will be held at the Chorovice airport near Bratna.

The Spring Retro Garage Exchange is the largest event in the Czech Republic and should not be missed; it will be held on April 4 at Lysá nad Labem.

On the same day, you can welcome spring in Olesnik, discuss all things moto related, and go for a ride together.

On April 5, a stock exchange and flea market will be held at the exhibition hall in Kroměříž. Vintage car enthusiasts should not miss it.

On April 19, a race will be held on the closed road of Slavkov u Brna.

Don\’t miss the Moto kemp Search for a trailer, a stop-and-go bike meeting in Hodice on April 24.

A day later, on April 25, you can attend the Erzgebirge Mass in Ostrov.

On May 1, the Harley-Davidson Goulash Fest will be held in Ostrava.

Spring will also be celebrated in Brunthal on May 2.

Motocykly, tuning, hobby
Also, if you are close to Ivancice, try running around the Dukovany chimneys on the same day, May 2, 2020.

Don\’t miss the 12th annual Chopper Western Country Party on June 5 in the Slovak village of Špania Dolina.

The Vražné Babetathlon will be held for the fourth time on August 1. Registration is free.

In Slavičín you can find your place on September 19, especially if you own a motorcycle manufactured before 1989.

If you missed the spring Retro Garage in Lysá nad Labem, find another chance at the fall exchange on November 28.

Don\’t sit at home, get out and talk bikes, compete, or go for a ride with other moto enthusiasts.

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