Models are not the only ones who love boxing. Experience the boxercise of your dreams and release tension and stress!

2018 is colored by the phenomenon of boxing. A sport that even top models are passionate about. It\’s one of the basic fitness exercises. No wonder boxing is becoming so popular. But the results are immediate. Of course, that\’s what everyone wants. Fast, tangible results are the best motivation to keep going and double the fun.
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Boxing is a great way to lose weight and get in shape!

Boxing is a very effective and conditioning exercise. The constant and vigorous movement of your arms and legs strengthens your body. Thanks to boxing, you learn to react very quickly and strengthen regularly, and the positive thing is that you can remove anger from your body, relieve stress, and flush out tension and negative emotions.

Why try this sport?

As mentioned above, you will see visible results immediately. You will sweat and burn a lot of calories in just one hour of class. Boxing works the entire body, not just the arms and legs. Gluteal muscles are also maximized and posture is improved. Boxing also benefits concentration. Boxing movements are based on simple memorization, but you must concentrate as much as possible. Beneficial is that at the same time boxing is beneficial to the cardiovascular system. It should also be remembered that boxing improves one\’s mood, keeps one in shape, and gives one self-confidence. [Boxing is a sport and it is sexy!

In particular, a boxing woman in a tight outfit and gloves by the punching bag is already an object of erupting fantasies and fantasies for men. Besides, strenuous exercise leads to an increase in sexual desire, which may create a pleasant surprise and discovery of this fact.

Before the actual exercise, however, it is important to warm up in order to fulfill the mission of getting the body sufficiently warm. Ideally, the jumps should be combined with kicks and full-body stretching. Boxing itself should be alternated with the typical classic aerial punches and punching with a punching bag. At the same time, they learn defensive postures, the most important point being to lower the center of gravity, so that their balance is fixed and they can maximize their strength. In this day and age, knowing how to defend yourself and knowing when and where to strike is definitely a good thing.
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In women\’s boxing, proper training is important and concentrates on specific arm swings and coordination of all body movements. Boxing is definitely not only about manual techniques. On the contrary, every movement begins with the legs, then the hips, then the shoulders are involved, and then the actual swing of the arms comes in.

Boxing is guaranteed to make you feel good and psychologically happy. Boxing makes individuals stronger, gives them more confidence in themselves, allows them to make better decisions in life, express their opinions, and stand up for themselves.

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