How to increase repeat customers

you firstneed to find out how often they returnand find the problem; statistical toolslike Google Analytics can help you find this. On average, about 20-30% of new visitors return to their respective websites. If you are not satisfied with your traffic statistics, you need to follow these steps.
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You need to make a good first impression
Start with the basics. If you make a layman\’s mistake and ruin your visitor\’s first impression, you will never get a second chance.
§ Websites should look modern and attractive.
§ The website should be user-friendly. This means it should remove any obstacles users may encounter.
§ The website should not be slow and its navigation should not be complicated. Otherwise, visitors will not enjoy browsing the website.
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A website is not just about you. Also, provide opportunities and options for visitors to talk with you. This is because visitors can tell you what they think and what they want to say. Because this way, you will get quality feedback.
§ Alternatively, you can put a block on each page of your website that contains your contact details . However, make sure that no contact information is missing.
§ Another option is to embed an online chat on your website. Chat allows visitors to stay in constant contact with you.
§ Don\’t forget about social networking features. Like” your website along with your Facebook page. box is ideal to add and share interesting news with your visitors.

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