Homosexuals in the Czech Republic

The global LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual) population is reported to be 4% of the population. In the Czech Republic alone, one out of every ten people is homosexual. As mentioned above, homosexuals belong to the so-called LGBT group. This article will focus exclusively on homosexual men whom society condemns and prejudices more than members of other groups.
Kostičky lásky
According to a survey by the Gay Initiative, 65% of homosexual men experience some form of discrimination. This includes verbal abuse, physical assault, and inappropriate ridicule. However, over the past decade,the Czech Republic has made great strides in terms of tolerance. About 70% of Czechs do not care about registered partnerships and see no problem with having homosexual neighbors. On the contrary, the majority are oppressed in employment, especially in the medical field. That is why more than 30% of them hide their orientation and only 16% admit their orientation.
It is especially painfulwhen such men are resented by their families and those close to them. Up to a quarter of respondents say they have experienced aggressive or humiliating treatment by family members as homosexuals; 15% have even been expelled from their homes.
Homosexuální pár
As of 2016, gay couples can adopt. However, only one of the couple can adopt; both cannot adopt as heterosexual couples can. Why should gay and lesbian couples be able to adopt, just like same-sex couples?
Loving Families
Every child deserves to have a loving home, and foster homes have proven incapable of providing all children with the love they need. Furthermore, studies have shown that the sexual orientation of the parents does not affect the sexual orientation of the child.
They are no different
. In long-term studies, children of these couples have been found to be no different than children of “normal” couples. They are not bullied at school or have problems with sexuality, and, as quoted by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2006, “There is ample evidence that children raised by same-sex parents do just as well as children raised by opposite-sex parents.” Over 25 years of research has demonstrated no relationship between parents\’ sexual orientation and children\’s healthy emotional, psychosocial, and behavioral development.

Gay men about the Czech Republic
Quotes from gay men in our country
What is Czech society like towards gays?
“It is becoming more tolerant. For example, in Germany, where I live now, sexual orientation is irrelevant. I was just scared in Saudi Arabia, where it is still punishable by death.”
– Martin Krafl, director of the Czech Center Berlin
“There are some good points and some bad points. But we should not complain.”
– Milan Hein (Director of the Ungelt Theater)
“In terms of tolerance, the Czech Republic approaches the liberal democracies of Western Europe. However, it can be more indifferent than truly tolerant.”

– Ivo Procházka, sexologist

When was the last time you encountered homophobia? 0]

“When Palubek came in second in the \’gay at heart\’ poll, 30,000 people made fun of this unpopular politician.”
– Alesh Rumpel, director of the Medipatra Film Festival
“It is ridiculous to be labeled gay.
– Alesh Rumpel, Director of the Medipatra Film Festival
“I have never encountered homophobic language or behavior. Probably because I am not going anywhere.”

– Robert Vano (photographer)

Is Czech society ready to accept marriage between men?
“I think the time has come for the Chamber of Deputies to approve this proposal. As every survey shows, Czech society is ready for it. Personally, I want to marry my partner and celebrate my love with my relatives and friends.”
– Lives in Stepan, Liberec

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