Figurative Drawing as a Return to Origin

Tradition is one of the less cherished values of modern man. We move and travel for work, but we forget our roots. Drawing, a discipline with traditions as old as humanity itself, brings us back to the roots of human society. One of the most difficult and beautiful disciplines is figure drawing, which not only connects us to tradition and to our ancestral heritage through the technique itself, but also teaches us to recognize the human body in all its beauty and to approach it as an independent object.
Kresba portrétu
While art schools and galleries around the world are still dominated by conceptual trends in art, the public is more interested in traditional values. As a result, while galleries are filled with eccentric artwork, people are increasingly interested in traditional craftsmanship and are coming across more and more ateliers that are open to the public.
Much of their activity is focused on preparing elementary school students for high school entrance exams. Or, conversely, they may expand their knowledge beyond drawing in the atelier and prepare for university entrance exams. In parallel with this, however, they also offer a full range of courses for the general public. One of the most popular courses is the portrait drawing course. This is where students of all ages gather, and both men and women participate equally.
Figure drawing consists of the study of sketches of female or male nudes. As a rule, the work is done at an easel on a large sheet of paper, but may be done seated if a smaller sheet of paper is chosen
Výtvarný atelier
Výtvarný atelier
Most studios allow students freedom in their choice of working methods and materials. Some studios, however, use a more academic method of working, i.e., sitting at an easel and working with large-format charcoal.
One lesson often lasts two to three hours, and one may encounter quick-moving studies in which the model changes position every few minutes according to the teacher\’s instructions, while conversely, some studios work on a single drawing for several hours.
Therefore, choose a studio based on the way it works best for you, or go in advance to see the progress of a regular lesson.

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